The growing crisis in energy and resource calls for a worldwide attentions and efforts. The so-called “treatment after pollution" methodology is practically difficult, high cost, and bring more and more environmental crisis, especially in the developing

The growing crisis in energy and resource calls for a worldwide attentions and efforts. The so-called “treatment after pollution" methodology is practically difficult, high cost, and bring more and more environmental crisis, especially in the developing country. 

CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Green Technology (CEGT) will rely on the platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries(TWAS). The centre is aiming to promote the nurturing and development of green technology in developing countries, and the transformation of scientific achievements. Based on the solid background of CAS in green chemistry and technologies, the goal of the centre is to establish a talents and business incubation for developing countries, to promote green technology development and commercialization, and to lay the foundation for mutual-benefit cooperation between China and other developing countries in the field of green technology。


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