Confucius Institute Online is devoted to creating a most influential and comprehensive website in the world by inventing effective functions such as online Chinese teaching, Chinese culture discovery, global-oriented community and media system to satisfy

        Confucius Institute Online is devoted to creating a most influential and comprehensive website in the world by inventing effective functions such as online Chinese teaching, Chinese culture discovery, global-oriented community and media system to satisfy the need of people who are interested in Chinese learning all around the world, promote the understanding of Chinese language culture, enhance the educational and cultural cooperation between China and the world, develop the friendship between China and other countries, help to develop multicultural environment and to build up a harmonious world.


前潮网络成立于2008年,隶属于北京前潮宇睿科技有限公司。专注于北京网站建设行业八年,致力于为北京各行业客户提供独到的网站建设解决方案!从最初的提供的网页设计、网站建设到如今的扩大到移动端网站建设、APP开发、微信平台的搭建,以及大型门户网站、商城的定制开发。 因为专注,所以我们更专业。我们始终走在行业前沿,html5+CSS3响应式网站制作、.net、Java程序开发,我们坚持完善的网站策划、优秀的创意设计、领先的软件编程技术、鼎力为国内知名企业提供全方位的网页设计...